Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

  • Appointment Time: 60 minutes (includes a 30-minute consultation)
  • Downtime: Bruising possible
  • Results Last: Variation on longevity, between 10-12 weeks
  • Starting from: £150

As we age, we develop fine lines and wrinkles on our skin. Lifestyle, such as diet, sun-exposure, and skincare, alongside genetics determine how quickly we develop these lines, commonly these are noticeable in your late 20’s.

Alongside skin rejuvenation treatments, muscle relaxing treatment, using prescribed medication, can be used to relax specific muscles of the face, helping to reduce or eliminate wrinkles, particularly those that occur due to facial expressions. It is commonly the treatment of choice for forehead lines, crow’s feet, and lines between the eyebrows.

The effects of muscle relaxing treatment last between 10-12 weeks. Repeat treatments are required to maintain the desired effect and how often you need treatment depends on individual responses and the rate at which your body naturally breaks down the medication.

Benefits of Anti-Wrinkle Treatment:

  • Prevention of permanent static lines
  • Softening of present static lines
  • Reduction of movement that causes dynamic lines

Common areas treated:

  • Frown lines - vertical 11’s lines between the eyebrows caused by frowning
  • Forehead lines - these lines form when we raise our eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet lines - these lines form when we smile or squint
  • Eyebrows - An eyebrow lift can be achieved in some patients
  • Masseter – softens a square jawline